The R&D project entitled“Trials of traditional varieties of tomato from the Vega del Segura and their impact on industrialisation”. with code 2020.08.ID+I.0064 has been financed through the SUPPORT PROGRAMME FOR BUSINESS R&D&I, ESPECIALLY IN AREAS RIS3 COVID-19 and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).
The aim of this project is to test traditional varieties of tomato from the Vega del Segura to obtain high organoleptic qualities that have allowed the use of tomato waste destined for fresh consumption for the creation of two processed products: gazpacho and dried tomato.
This objective has been achieved thanks to a innovative dehydration process that combines high vacuum technology with the use of molecular sieves, representing a great advance in the usual drying processes, as it is capable of drying at temperatures even below freezing temperature, thus preserving a large part of the nutritional quality of traditional tomatoes and maintaining the sensory quality not achieved so far in the dried tomato. Translated with (free version)
Place of execution: Caballos del Vino nº 10, 30870 Mazarrón (Murcia)
Deadline for implementation: 1 March 2020 to 22 May 2022
Budget: 135,372.85